Shop Remodel

November 29, 2017

I've had two shops in my woodworking life, one that was too big, 700 square feet, (I can't believe anyone could have a shop TOO big!)...

... and one that was too small, 100 square feet.

My small shop, my most recent, was super cozy...but cramped. For six years my woodworking world existed in that 100 square feet. Amazingly, I got a lot accomplished there. I learned how to be more organized...everything had to have its place. Between 2012 and 2017, I zeroed in on bowl turning in this shop.

In late 2017, I had my son home for a few weeks over the holidays and decided to put him to work and remodel and expand to a whopping 200 square feet, doubling my shop space. We did some framing and dry wall work, some electrical, some painting, and ended up with an efficient, nicely laid out shop, one that suits my bowl turning in almost every way.

I also upgraded my lathe. I went from the Jet 12-36 I purchased back in 2003 to a Laguna 18-36.

I'm excited to see what this new machine will do.